KVCC Food Innovation Center's Producer Partner Survey
This survey includes two parts. Your responses to Part 1 will directly inform KVCC Food Innovation Center's Food Hub business planning efforts and result in opportunities to expand your wholesale business in the near future. This may take you 10 minutes to complete. Part 2 includes questions that will inform additional, future programming at the Food Innovation Center, and may take you an additional 10-15 minutes to complete.

At the end of Part 1, we will ask if you would like to be contacted by KVCC Food Innovation Center staff regarding specific opportunities. If you answer "Yes," we will also ask for your personal identification and contact information. By answering "Yes" and providing your information, you are giving permission to the research team to share your information and survey responses with KVCC staff, Rachel Bair and Randall Davis. They will keep your answers confidential. If you answer "No," your responses will remain anonymous AND confidential.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact the principal researcher, Megan Phillips Goldenberg, at goldenbergme@gmail.com, or KVCC staff, Randall Davis, at rdavis@kvcc.edu.
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Part 1- Food Hub Business Planning Survey
Your responses will directly inform KVCC Food Innovation Center's Food Hub business planning efforts and may result in opportunities to expand your wholesale business in the near future.
General Information
1) What is your primary role on the farm?
Clear selection
2) How long has this farm business been in operation?
Enter a number only
3) How many acres do you have in specialty crops (fruits, vegetables, herbs) production?
Enter a number only
4) Which practices do you utilize on your farm for plants and crops ?
(check all that apply)
5a) What percentage of your product do you sell through WHOLESALE channels?
This includes institutions, restaurants, grocers, distributors, etc. Please enter a number.
5b) What percentage of your product do you sell through DIRECT-TO-CONSUMER channels?
This includes farmers markets, farm stands, CSAs, etc. Please enter a number.
5c) What percentage of your product do you sell through OTHER channels?
Please specify what those other channels are and please enter a number.
Institutional Sales
We define an "institution" as any organization with a primary purpose OTHER than serving food, that serves food as part of its operations, for example: hospitals, schools, universities, large companies with in-house cafeterias, prisons.

6) Please describe your interest/involvement in institutional sales.
(check all that apply)
7a) How are the products distributed to institutions?
(check all that apply)
7b) If you use a third-party distributor/shipper, please specify:
7c) If you use a wholesaler/aggregator/distributor, please specify:
8) How frequently do you deliver produce/food to Kalamazoo area?
Clear selection
9) How do buyers place orders?
(check all that apply)
10) In which of the following certification or food safety programs do you participate?
(check all that apply)
11) Do you carry product liability insurance?
(check all that apply)
Crops for Wholesale Aggregation and Distribution
12) One of the objectives of the KVCC Food Innovation Center's Food Hub is to aggregate local produce and distribute it to local institutions. Please list 3-5 crops that you are able and willing to produce for WHOLESALE markets.

Please include the following:
item name
wholesale price range
estimated production for season
any added production value (organic, frozen, etc.)

For example:

Crop 1
Blueberries, July-Sept, 10lb bulk boxes,  $17-19/box or $1.70-$1.90 per pound, 10,000lbs
12a) Crop 1
12b) Crop 2
12c) Crop 3
12d) Crop 4
12e) Crop 5
13) Are you willing to grow different, specific crops for wholesale to KVCC's Food Hub?
Clear selection
14) Are you willing to host student interns from KVCC’s agricultural programs?
Clear selection
15) Are you interested in being contacted by KVCC staff regarding future opportunities based on the specific information provided through this survey? *
By answering “YES” to this question, all of your responses and your contact information will be provided to KVCC staff, and they will keep it confidential. By answering “NO”, your identity and contact information will not be collected and your responses will be kept confidential and anonymous.
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