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This form is a part of SERO 101 SUPERUSER Global Recuitment Program. Please fill the form carefully.

A) Instructions:

A.1) You must be a SERO Discord member in order to qualify for reward.

A. 2) Go to #superuser channel SERO Discord and create an invitation link, make sure to check the box "never" expire
A.3) Now invite your friends to SERO Discord via invite link that you created in step (A.2)

A.4) Ask them to answer this questionnaire correctly and you'll both will get 10 SERO and 1 point to referrer for every person that joins SERO Discord using your link and answers this questionnaire correctly

All the first 100 Super User to earn 101 points will get 10,000 SERO each and the 101st "Lucky Super User" will be selected via lucky draw and  will get 100,000 SERO.

NOTE :- Make sure to enter your details correctly.
              Every participant must join SERO Discord. Your Discord account should not be newbie.
              Lucky Draw will be done among all the referrers.

Your full name *
Your email address *
Your Discord username and unique discriminator number(Example:- DurantDuan#4065) *
Q1) Who is COO of SERO? *
Q2) On which cryptography privacy protocol is SERO based on? *
Q3) What does NIZK stands for ? *
Q4) In SERO ecosystem, a Ticket is  ____bit digit that can point to complex data structures stored in smart contracts. *
Q5) What mechanism does SERO team plans to use as scalability solution in it's multi chain system? *
Q6) Currently what framework is used by SERO to generate NIZK? *
Q7) What date was SERO testnet launched ? *
Q8) Which of them allows the issuance of anonymous smart contracts, tokens, assets and building dapps based on their protocol? *
Q9) Does SERO supports SOLIDITY? *
Q10) What makes SERO different from other privacy projects? *
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