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South Asian Food Allergy Questionnaire
I am asking for your participation in my research study.  Please read the following information about the project.  If you would like to participate, please select the bubble giving your consent at the bottom of the page.

Participation in this study is completely voluntary.  If you decide not to participate there will not be any negative consequences.  Please be aware that if you decide to participate, you may stop participating at any time and you may decide not to answer any specific question.

Student Researcher: Anika Nayak
Contact Information:

Purpose: The goal of this study is to collect data on the correlation between food allergies and the various environmental factors of South-Asian immigrants.

If you consent to participate, you will be asked to provide information regarding your age, place of origin, immigration status, country of residence, whether you lived in a rural or urban area, as well as your allergic history.

Time for Completion: no longer than 10 minutes

Risks: There are less than minimal risks. The data will be anonymous and cannot be traced back to the individual participant.  While the survey will not ask for any identifying information, no method of transmission over the internet is completely secure against hacking and other cyber threats. Additionally, no IP address will be collected through the use of this google form.

Benefits: This will help to better understand why many South-Asian immigrants have allergies, while native South-Asians do not.

Protection of Privacy:  No individually identifiable information will be asked of you.  No one will be granted access to your answers besides the researcher conducting the study and the student’s adult supervisor.

Adult Supervisor: Brett Klopp
Contact Information:

By consenting below, I am attesting that I have read and understand the information above, and I freely give my consent to participate.
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