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10th Grade FIVE Transportation for the PSAT/NMSQT
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How will your child arrive to and depart from IHS on October 13, 2021 for the PSAT/NMSQT?
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Students Need Bus Transportation
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I understand that my child will be provided lunch from the school cafeteria at Irmo High School on the day of the test.  However, I can also send a lunch from home if I choose.
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I understand that my child is expected to remain in the media center until dismissal from school.  I also understand that my child is subject to the policies of the Irmo High School Student Handbook and the Lexington School District Five Code of Conduct while on the IHS campus.
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Parent Digital Signature
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Parent Contact
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No Transportation Required
I understand that PSAT/NMSQT testing begins promptly at 8:30am.  I agree to have my child on campus by 8:00am so that he/she has plenty of time to find the testing location.  (Students who report late to campus will not be allowed to test.)
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I understand that my child will report to the Attendance Office in the West Wing upon completion of the test and can be picked up at this location.  A phone will be available at this location in the event that the student needs to notify a parent/guardian that testing is completed.
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I understand that my child is subject to the policies of the Irmo High School Student Handbook and the Lexington School District Five Code of Conduct while on the IHS campus.
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Parent Contact
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Parent Digital Signature
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