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Clementine Sales Associate
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Email *
1. Tell Us About Yourself
2. Your Full Name *
3. Nickname (what you prefer to be called)
4. Your Phone Number *
5. How do prefer to be reached? *
6. Are you at least 18 years old? *
7. What hourly wage are you seeking?
8. When are you available to start? *
9. This is a part-time sales position. How many hours/days per week are you available to work? *
10. What days/hours can you work? (You must be able to work weekends and holidays. You can explain any work conflicts in the next section.) *
11. List any work conflicts? *
12. Relevant Experience (Check all that apply) *
13. What do you know about clothing consignment? Have your ever bought or sold clothes in our stores? *
14. If needed, would you be willing to also work in our sister shops Clover and Ashby?
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How did you learn we are hiring?
Employment History
You do not need to answer questions 16-20 if you email your resume to or drop it off to Clementine during store hours. (3118 West Cary St)
15. I am providing my resume *
16. Are you currently employed?
Clear selection
17. If you answered yes to the previous question, tell us where you work and a brief description of what you do.
18. If it is OK that we contact your supervisor to verify your current employment, please provide their name, title, phone number and/or email.
19. Please list your last 3 employers, including the dates when you started and left, the reason you left, the name of your supervisor and a phone number or email address where we can reach your supervisor to verify your employment)
20. Please list 3 references who can vouch for your performance and work ethic. (Include their name, phone number or email, and how you  know them)
21. Is there anything else you'd like to tell us about yourself?
22. I certify the information provided in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if I am hired, any falsified or embellished statements shall be grounds for immediate dismissal.
23. Date of submission *
Thank you for your interest in working for us. We will contact you to set up an in-store interview if your qualifications meet our needs.
Clementine, Ashby and Clover are equal opportunity employers.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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