Educators in the Public Square - Join @TheJLV Sat, 11/8 at 12:15PM EDT
PennGSE’s Mid Career Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership presents a book talk with Jose Vilson ( on his ground breaking book This Is Not A Test.  This event is a part of the new Student Leadership Challenge series and is presented by Khalilah Harris (Cohort 11). The event will explore Mr. Vilson's perspectives as a black Black Latino male classroom teacher who is also a leading voice in teacher leadership and the #EduColor movement.

Format: The event will be available both LIVE on location AND virtually as we will stream content. Hashtag #pennedchat will be engaged as an active backchannel during the event for local and global interactivity.

Who: Open to all local school leaders as well as students, faculty and alumni of PennGSE’s Mid-Career Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership. Register online here by Thursday, November 6th.
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Educators in the Public Square events are open to the local education community based upon space.
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