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SACBC AA Recommendation Form
SACBC welcomes new families who will continue to promote the values and goals of our Athletic Association.  

The SACBC AA board requests 2 recommendations from current or former SACBC Athletic Association or Church members for new families interested in joining our community.

Please complete this form on behalf of the interested family.  We ask that you answer honestly and candidly.  The long term success of our Athletic Association depends on promoting and welcoming families who share a common vision and values for our children.  Also, it is important for new families to understand our organization so they can make informed decisions about organizations in which their families participate.

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Your name (i.e. SACBC family making recommendation) *
Your relationship with SACBC *
Name of family you are recommending *
How long have you known the family? *
Have you and the family been part of the same community organizations? *
Describe how the family has shown values consistent with those in the SACBC AA Mission Statement? *
How has the family shown their commitment to fulfilling their organizational duties and obligations? *
Anything else you'd like to add about the family?
SACBC AA Mission Statement
The SACBC Athletic Association provides school aged children opportunities to learn the principles of sportsmanship and community through basketball.  The AA is not exclusive to any ethnic group(s), but does serve the predominantly Japanese American community of the Southern Alameda County Buddhist Church, the EBYAL (East Bay Youth Athletic League), and the EBGAL (East Bay Girls Athletic League).   The sponsoring organizations created the youth basketball leagues to provide opportunities to their children and to promote their ties to each other in the community.
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