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Request for Seraph Presence
This is a formal request to have a squad of Seraph act as security at your upcoming event. All questions must be answered thoroughly to be considered.

The request form must be submitted no later than one week in advance of your event.
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Name of Requesting Person or Group *
Please state your full name or your group's officially recognized name. Guild Tags and Nicknames will not suffice. (Please enter your character tag as well, or the tag of a leader in the group so we can send an in-game mail.)
What is the nature of this event? *
Please give a brief description of your event. (Ex. Logan Thackeray's Big Ol' Birthday Bash! The Captain is getting old and we'd like to come together in his honor.)
Where is the event going to be hosted at? *
A general location of where we should dispatch the squadron. (Ex. The Queen's Gardens, Divinity's Reach)
What is the date and time of this function? *
(Please include both Mouvelian Date and Real World Date. Also add the time zone you are in so we can coordinate appropriately.)
How many squads will you require? *
A standard Seraph squadron is composed of 3 soldiers. We will inform you if we are unable to allocate the desired amount and work with you to still have soldiers stationed for the safety of your event.
How would you prefer the squadron(s) to be dressed for your event? *
Is it a formal gala? Perhaps you would rather the squadron be undercover? Despite choice of attire, squadrons will still be equipped with standard issue weapons and handcuffs in the event of an altercation.
Lastly, would you like to have your event advertised on the Seraph Griffon Company's Public Bulletin Board? *
If so, please contact Corporal Lucina Hawthorne if you have fliers or pamphlets to advertise with. Else, a standard announcement on plain parchment will be posted. (Lucina's Contacts: Discord - AzurePixel#4162, In-game - ILikeSquirtlez.1092)
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