Self Evaluation Poem Project
You are going to evaluate yourself and your group members for the poem project.
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My name *
Last name, first name
My group members if any *
Briefly describe some pre-production work you did for the poem project. *
Ie. storyboard, looking up poem, rough notes, sketches, typed ideas out, researched online (YouTube)  Write down as much as possible.
Production and Post Production of Poem Project *
What issues came up when filming, producing and editing your poem project?  What didn't go according to plan?  How would you do things differently if you had another chance?
Rate yourself *
Give yourself a mark, based on the amount of work you did, and how happy you are with your poem project.
I mostly played games and was on Facebook
I did so much work, this final project is incredible!
Rate others that worked with you on this project. *
Write down the names of people in your group, if any, and give them a mark, 1 being the lowest, and 10 the highest.  Let me know if someone did most of the work.
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