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The nurses here wrote down every day on Stephen 's chart how many hours he had <cried> , but neither Sloan nor Dr Turner turned a hair when they looked at that on the chart ; all they cared about was the weight curve .
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I <cried> desperately for recognition at people whose identities I had confused .
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The stars could make you <cry> .
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` Do n't let anybody <cry> . '
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The baby who is picked up or fed whenever he <cries> soon becomes a veritable tyrant , and gives his mother no peace when awake ; while , on the other hand , the infant who is fed regularly , put to sleep , and played with at definite times soon finds that appeals bring no response , and so learns that most useful of all lessons , self-control , and the recognition of an authority other than his own wishes .
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` I do n't think there 's anybody who 's worked here for a time who has n't at some time felt like crying , or who has n't actually <cried> or felt really down .
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The lesson was , of course , that I must never , ever <cry> for myself for I was a lucky little girl ; my tears should be for all the strong , brave women who gave me life .
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He tells us how he cried and <cried> when he found out the Almighty Mozzer had slung his hook and f--ed off home for a veggieburger .
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In Germany , diesel sales are in sharp decline after the Greens pointed an ill-informed finger at the visibly dirty exhausts of diesels and <cried> ` polluter ' .
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She began to cry , not the angry , resentful tears she 'd <cried> after her husband 's death , but like a small child seeking comfort .
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The interrelations of the meanings and associations of words within a text ( ` the dimension of coherence ' ) is in the first place , one' might say , a purely mental event , but its effect is to modify , enrich or <enlarge> the reader 's experience of the realities to which these meanings and associations refer .
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She is still working as Assistant to the President of Delaware North Companies International Ltd. with her responsibilities recently <enlarged> to include personnel and legal matters in their Asian subsidiaries .
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At Broomhill he constantly <enlarged> the house and developed the estate , acting as his own architect .
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The powers of the NHMF trustees are to be <enlarged> to fund the construction , acquisition or improvement of buildings to house objects of outstanding heritage value .
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Moves to <enlarge> the Cabinet had reportedly been prompted by Prime Minister Mian Nawaz Sharif 's concern to placate critics within the ruling Islamic Democratic Alliance ( IDA ) [ see p. 37855 ] who had complained of the lack of consultation .
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Heuristic information ( that is , suggestions about how best to search ) is often more easily exploited when the language is <enlarged> , but that does not necessarily mean that it has to be made more expressive .
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For instance , Townsend writes that : ` the concepts of retirement [ and ] pensionable status . . . have been developed in both capitalist and state socialist countries in ways which have created and reinforced the social dependency of the elderly ' ; and Walker believes that : ` dependency at both ends of the age spectrum has been <enlarged> by social and economic developments over the course of this century ' .
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However , for most of the time its underwater home is not well-lit , and the opening has to be <enlarged> to admit enough light .
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Use of marginal areas for grass production and channels for Justicia culture effectively <enlarged> the land base for the population , thus reducing population density from 34 to 19 persons per hectare of agricultural land .
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Inevitably , since there are only twelve tissue salt preparations , an attempt was made with varying degrees of success to <enlarge> their scope by mixing them in an effort to cover other symptomatologies .
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