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MMHS Newsletter

Since 1992, the McMaster Medicine and Health Society has been striving to inform and educate our members by acting as a resource for exploring various healthcare professions. Our goal is to act as a liaison and a voice for all students in the McMaster community who envision a career in the medical or other health-related fields. 

MMHS holds a wide variety of services for McMaster students. In the past few years, we have hosted professional school symposiums and invited keynote speakers to talk about admissions (e.g. medicine, dentistry and optometry). We have also hosted debates and discussion forums on the Canadian healthcare system, bioethics, as well as career planning within the healthcare field. Other events occurring throughout the year have included our annual Research and Healthcare Conference, mock interviews, and volunteering or research counselling. You can find more information about us on our website, Instagram, and Facebook

Over the years, we have grown to be one of the largest McMaster student-run clubs. Still, we continue to grow to ensure we cover all new opportunities in the medical and other health-related fields in breadth and depth. 

MMHS general members will have direct access to our Microsoft Teams channel, which will be updated with our ongoing events, initiatives, potential research and volunteer opportunities, and significant discounts from our sponsors The Princeton Review, for any MCAT-related resources. 

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