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Enrollment of 5th Chinese badminton match in Germany(Sopray Cup)
As mensioned in the email, this is the enrollment system for the 5th Chinese Badminton Match in Germany (Sopray Cup) on August 31st, 2014. You can register with your name, playing type, email address, etc. basically only the first 32 register in each project based on this enrollment website. so please hurry up!
The regiter result could be checked with the following link few minutes after submitting:
Sign in to Google
to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
Player's Name
Chinese Name is OK
Your answer
Playing Type
only Men Double and Mix Double are available
Men Double
Mix Double
Email Adress
Your answer
Handy Number
as Option
Your answer
Could be Partner's Name or any other things
Your answer
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