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Home Buyer Search 
Provided by Brittany Norman of Southern Life Realty.
For property in Pinellas & Pasco County
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Full Name *
What type of property are you looking for? *
What will the primary use of the home be? *
Do you know WHERE you are interested in purchasing a home? *
What CITY or ZIP CODE areas are you interested in? *
Do you have any particular SUBDIVISIONS or NEIGHBORHOODS you like? *
Do you want to be in a desired SCHOOL DISTRICT? *
How many BEDROOMS? *
How many BATHROOMS?  *
Approximate SQUARE FOOTAGE of home? *
What is your PRICE RANGE?  *
Have you been PRE-APPROVED for a home loan? *
Do you currently rent or own where you live now? *
Do you need to sell a house before you can purchase another home? *
Describe the key features you are looking for in a home. Provide as many details as possible for each part of the property and location that are important to you and why.

(Example: fully fenced in yard for dog, at least 1 bathtub for young child, home located on the west side of US Hwy 19, etc.)
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