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TownGreen Microgrant Application
TownGreen provides up to $300 in microgrants each quarter for community programs or events that address climate change, conservation, or care for the environment. If your project falls within these areas, please apply for a microgrant. Microgrant applications are reviewed on a rolling basis each quarter and are due January 10, April 10, July 10, and October 10.
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Email *
Name *
Individual/Organization Address *
Email address *
Organization website
Describe your project. Please provide details such as dates, locations, the people working on it, and so on.  *
What impact will this project have on the environment? *
What impact will the project have on the Cape Ann community? *
What is your funding request? Outline how you will use the money. *
Please insert photographs, links to websites, or other information about your program. 
How did you hear about the TownGreen microgrant? *
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