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ELL Survey
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Provide your name if you will be included in a drawing for gift card for participating in the survey. *
How do you feel about sending your child to school? *
4 points
Does your child feel safe at school? *
I feel welcome when I visit the school.
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Are you able to support your child's learning at home?
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How could the school help you better support your child at home?
I understand the importance of helping my child learn our native language.
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Do you discuss your child's academic needs with them?
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Does your child worry about their academic future?
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What can school staff do to improve communication?
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What have you noticed about how your child learns?
I understand the language development services my child is receiving.
Does the school keep you updated about the progress of your child?
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How often would you like to be updated on the progress of your child?
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Does the school supply interpreters and translation when you need them?
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School staff provide extra help when my child needs it.
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My child is learning the skills and knowledge for success.
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What could the teachers/staff do to help your child learn?
Is there anything else you would like to share with us?  
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