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Lobo Friend Mentee Application Fall 2024
The "Lobo Friend" Program is a peer mentor program launched by the Global Education Office at UNM to foster communication and friendship between U.S. and International Students. US students will have the opportunity to share their knowledge of UNM and Albuquerque and to expand their knowledge of other countries and cultures. International students will benefit from connecting with a U.S. student as soon as they arrive, hopefully leading to an easier transition to life at UNM. We hope that by matching international students with American friends, we can ease cultural adjustments for international students and enhance global competency at UNM!

Our Goals: Promote campus internationalization, facilitate an easier transition for incoming students', and enable more interaction between domestic and international students.

- Meet your Lobo Friend at least once a month
- Attend 1 Lobo friend or GEO social activities event
- Maintain regular communication with your Lobo Friend
- (Optional) Write a 1-2 page essay, video vlog, or photo collage recapping the semester

For questions, please contact GEO at
 or Fiore Bran Aragon, International Education Advisor Sr., at  
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Be Part of Lobo Fun 
Meet a Current UNM Student!
Bollywood Night
Last Name *
Preferred Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number/What's App *
Would you like to be added to our "Whats App" group for notifications about events? *
Gender *
How old are you? *
International Festival 
Country of Citizenship
Please indicate your level of education:
Clear selection
Please indicate your major: *
Level of Education: *
Spring Welcome Party
What languages do you speak besides English?
Do any of the items below apply to you?
Do you prefer your mentor to be?
Tell us about yourself. What are your hobbies and interests?
Do you have any preferences about the mentor that you will be assigned to?
Please write down your three main preferences (e.g. gender, major, interests, etc.). We will honor your preferences if possible.
What are your hobbies and Interests? 1= don't like 3 = extremely like *
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
Night Life/Parties
Watching/Playing Sports
What are some other hobbies you are interested in? *
Tell us your favorite dance song from your home country. *
Artist and Song Name
Spring Banquet
UNM Waiver and Release
I hereby consent to participate as a voluntary participant in the “Lobo Friend International Mentoring Program” (Program).  The Program was created by UNM through its Global Education Office (GEO) for volunteer mentorship.  I understand that this is a volunteer program, and GEO will not will not provide any benefits traditionally associated with employment.

I understand and acknowledge that certain risks are inherent to participating in this Program.  These risks may result in bodily injury, minor or serious including death, as well as damage to personal property. If I have any questions about my participation or the safety and risks associated with this Program, I will speak to Linda Melville at the Global Education Office prior to participating in the Program.

Knowing the risks and in consideration of the opportunity to participate in the Program, as a Mentor or Mentee, I do agree to assume all risks of personal injury or loss, bodily injury – including death, damage to or loss of or destruction of any personal property resulting from or arising out my involvement in the Program.  I also, do hereby release, waive, indemnify, hold harmless and discharge UNM, its Board of Regents, its officers, employees or agents, from any and all claims, damages, and injuries arising out of the Participant’s activities, including use of equipment or facilities provided by UNM.

I further understand that UNM does not provide health insurance for individuals participating in the Program.  As such, either I or my personal health insurance will be responsible for payment of medical services and care for any injuries sustained during the Program.

Furthermore, I hereby release and forever discharge UNM from any claim whatsoever which arises or may hereafter arise on account of any first-aid treatment or other medical services rendered in connection with an emergency related to my services as a Mentor or Mentee with the University of New Mexico.

By electronically signing this form, I am stating that I have read this waiver and notice of risk, fully understand its terms and understand that it affects my legal rights and how it affects those legal rights. I am signing this waiver and notice of risk knowingly and voluntarily, and intend for it to be a complete and unconditional release of liability to the greatest extent of the law.
By electronically signing below, I express my understanding and intent to enter into the Release and Waiver of Liability willingly and voluntarily. (Type Full Name) *
Date of Signature *
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