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Artificial intelligence (AI) in the Luxury Industry - Personalization of the customer experience
As part of my Bachelor’s Thesis, I am conducting a survey regarding the personalization of customer experience in the Luxury industry using artificial intelligence. 

The survey is anonymous and takes less than 5 minutes!

Thank you for your invaluable participation!

Please note that all information collected will solely be used for thesis purposes and your answers will remain anonymous. 

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ChatGPT helped me become more familiar with artificial intelligence (AI) *

How much do you agree with the following statement: “I frequently purchase Luxury Goods”. 

During the purchase of a Luxury good, these elements impact me the most  *
Over the last year, I purchased most of my Luxury goods on the brand website:  *
Over the last year, I purchased most of my Luxury goods in boutiques:  *
If you prefer online purchasing, select the element that applies most as to why:  *
If it applies, what Luxury products do you buy most online
If you prefer in store purchasing, select the element that applies the most as to why  *
If it applies, what Luxury product do you buy most in boutiques
I prefer a personalized experience when buying luxury goods, it makes me feel known to the brand  *
A more personalized experience influences me to purchase more from a brand  *
I am satisfied in boutiques if I see that the sales advisor knows me and my shopping preferences *
I am satisfied online if the website offers personalized recommendations  *
I am more loyal to a brand if I have a more personalized experience *
I prefer to interact with a sales advisor compared to an AI machine in boutiques  *
I prefer to interact with an  AI machine  compared to a sales advisor in boutiques *
on brand websites, I frequently interact with chatbots *
I believe that the use of AI in the Luxury industry will positively impact my customer experience:  *
I believe that the use of AI in the luxury industry will negatively impact my customer experience *
How much do you agree with the following statement: "During online purchases of luxury goods, I feel like AI is used to personalize the customer experience." *
How much do you agree with the following statement: "During in store purchases of Luxury goods, I feel like AI is used to personalize the customer experience." *
What concerns do you have with the use of AI in the Luxury industry? *
What is your age *
What is your occupation *
What is your gender *
What is your nationality .
Please respect this format: e.g: "Switzerland, Italy, United States [...]"
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