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Codebreakers Content Submission Form
Codebreakers is about engaging young people from Western Sydney in conversations about race, identity and belonging on social media. We…

o Tell our stories in any way, shape or form.
o Speak in our cultural languages.
o Are paid for the content we create.
o Learn from specialists in the field. Are supported with a cultural network.

Are you a Codebreaker?

If you have any issues, please contact Codebreakers at
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Email *
Contact info
Full name *
Phone number *
Do you live in Western Sydney? *
If yes, please share the suburb you live in
Birth year *
Do you identify as a First Nations person? *
What is your cultural background? *
How did you hear about Codebreakers? *
Consent Form
I give permission for relevant material (video, photographs in which I appear, contents of an interview given by me, content of a letter / article / or other piece of writing produced in conjunction with the Codebreakers project) to be used by the Western Sydney Community Forum (WSCF) or supporting partners as part of the broader Compact Alliance - Codebreakers project, as well as any promotional and marketing materials, in any form or media format.

I acknowledge that:
  • I have read the material provided in the registration pack and understand the potential risks associated with publishing digital content.
  • I have the ability to request culturally appropriate support and if required, cease participation in the project at any time.
  • I retain all rights over any intellectual property shared throughout the project, and have the right to pull my content if I so choose within 3 years of publication.
  • That Codebreakers will not sell my content, or share my information without my explicit consent. Content may be used to attract further funding for the organisations.
I have read, understood, and give permission to the terms above *
Please upload your submission on Drop Box
Please name your submission as such - FirstNameLastName - CodebreakersSubmission

If you require any assistance please don't hesitate to contact
Name displayed with submission  *
i.e government name, artist name, anonymous
Social media handle 
Share if you would like your social media page linked to your submission
Please provide blurb of describing the submission  *
How does this work relate to Codebreakers aims?

Please feel free to use this space to provide an introduction, context, or any extra information regarding your submission and don't forget to add the name/title of your work!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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