Ember Salon New Guest Form
It's so nice to meet you! Thank you for completing the new guest profile.  This will help us to guarantee your best possible experience for you today and for all future visits. We will keep this securely in your online client file and it will not be shared. Please let us know if you have any questions as you complete the form.
Name *
Your answer
Email *
Your answer
Phone Number *
Your answer
Address (street, city, state, zip) *
Your answer
Emergency contact *
Your answer
Birthday *
How did you hear about Ember Salon? Google *
Your answer
Have you ever had an adverse reaction to hair color or hair extensions? *
SERVICE RE-DO & RETAIL RETURN POLICY: We strive to offer our guests the highest level of guest satisfaction. If you are having challenges with your cut or color, let us know within 7 days of your visit and we are happy to correct the issue with no additional charge. Should you make a retail purchase that you are unsatisfied with, we will accept retail exchanges at full credit for 90 days from your initial purchase. Please select below if you agree to these terms and would like to continue with services today
FUTURE APPOINTMENT CANCELLATION POLICY: In order to continue providing the best possible scheduling options to my guests, we do require 48 hours notice should you need to cancel or reschedule your visit with me. Should you cancel your appointment with less than 48 hours notice, a $25 per service cancelled fee does apply and will be due before a new appointment is scheduled. *
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