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ISMaRT Application Form 2023-2024
Thanks for your interest in ISMaRT! To apply, please complete the form below. If you have any questions, e-mail or

Review of applications will begin Friday, October 27, 2023 and continue until all places are filled.

You will be required to give a description of why you are interested in your chosen project. This may take some preparation before you start to fill out this form. You will also be asked to provide contact information for one or two faculty members to act as references.
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Full Name *
Email *
Expected Graduation Semester *

Your ISU Math GPA is computed by the same method as your ISU GPA but includes only math courses. You can use the ISU GPA calculator to determine this: just enter every math course you took at ISU with its credit and your grade and the site computes for you.  If you have never taken a math class at ISU, enter 0.0 and address this in your statement (e.g., provide high school math GPA or other college math GPA if this is your first semester at ISU).
Project Selection

Select the projects for which you wish to be considered.  You can select multiple projects or specify fewer than three projects.
Computations of quantum eigenstates via deep neural networks
Coxeter groups and extreme monomial ideals
Equilibria of a time-inconsistent Markov decision processes
Maximal independent sets in grid-like graphs
Planar Turan number of {C4, C5}
Rearrangements of infinite series
What is the fastest route down a hill?
First choice
Second choice
Third choice
Clear selection
Statement of Interest

Please provide a statement (at least 100 words) on why you are interested in participating in this project. We recommend preparing the statement in a separate document editor and then copying the statement into the space provided below.

Please provide the names and contact information for at least one faculty member to act as a reference.
Name of Faculty Member #1 *
Faculty Member Email address *
Their relationship to you *
Faculty Member #2 (optional)
Faculty Member Email address
Their relationship to you
Transcript Release

I give consent for any of the ISMaRT faculty and postdocs associated with projects I have selected to consult any ISU faculty member regarding my academic performance and/or conduct, and to review my transcript, for the purpose of selecting ISMaRT participants.
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