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SMR Participation Grants

The Society for Melanoma Research offers a limited number of grants to individuals from underrepresented and socioeconomically challenged areas of the world to provide financial assistance so that they may participate in the annual SMR Congress. 

These grants are strictly based on financial need.

          Grant criteria:

  • Available only for trainees, students, and post docs.
  • Only one grant per institution.
  • Participation in the Congress can be virtual or in person.
  • Must be a resident of a qualifying country. -  View qualifying countries here. 

   Applicants must supply:

  • Itemized list of anticipated expenses (Hotel, Travel, Meals, etc.)
  • List of other grants applied for.
  • Brief 300 word summary of how your participation in the congress is of benefit to you or your organization.
  • Each applicant must submit an abstract for consideration as a poster or oral presentation for the Congress. You must submit the abstract on the abstract submission site for the  congress

If you have questions about this grant contact Sarah Hughes at

Email *
Your Full Name *
Your Organization *
Your Country of Residence *
List of estimated expenses *
The spirit of the grants are to provide financial assistance for attendees to be able to travel to the conference. If that is impossible support can be provided so individuals are able to attend virtually.

Are you planning to attend in person or virtually?
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List any other grants you have applied for. *
Please give a brief (300 word) summary of how your participation in the congress will benefit you or your organization.  *
List the title of the abstract you are submitting for the congress. *
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