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Registration for the 2016 Texas Geometry and Topology Conference
To register for the conference, simply fill out and submit the form below. There is no registration fee. Please note that in order to receive financial support you must fill out the relevant application sections below and comply with all relevant TCU travel reimbursement policies; see .
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Basic Information
Last name *
First Name *
Institution (as to appear on name badge) *
E-mail address *
Do you plan to attend the free burrito dinner on campus Friday night? *
Do you plan to attend the dinner off-campus Saturday night ($20)? *
Mailing Address
Street Address
Address line 2
Zip Code
Financial Support
Financial support decisions will be made and announced in mid-January. If you need to discuss funding issues sooner, please contact Efton Park at
Are you requesting financial support? *
If "Yes", please answer the other questions in this section.
Please indicate your current position
(e.g. graduate student, postdoc, assistant professor, senior faculty, etc.)
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Please estimate the amount of your reimbursement request
What is your research area?
If requesting support, please indicate other sources of support (such as grants).
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