Lateral Dominance and ADHD
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Biological Sex
This is the sex you were both with, based on your biology.
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Gender Identity
This is the gender you currently identify with.
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ADHD Diagnosis *
An official ADHD Diagnosis is one that has come from a medical doctor or licensed clinician.
If officially diagnosed with ADHD, what age were you at the time of diagnosis?
Give your best estimate if you can not recall exactly
Do you regularly take any ADHD medication
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Fine motor skills *
Fine motor skill (or dexterity) is the coordination of small muscle movements—usually involving the synchronization of hands and fingers—with the eyes. Think precision movements, such as eating, writing, cutting with scissors, drawing, and so on.
Gross Motor Skills *
Gross motor skills are involved in movement and coordination of the arms, legs, and other large body parts and movements. Think strength movements, such as throwing, kicking, punching, batting, golfing, and so on.
Eye Dominance *
Ocular dominance, sometimes called eye preference or eyedness, is the tendency to prefer visual input from one eye to the other. It is somewhat analogous to the laterality of right- or left-handedness; however, the side of the dominant eye and the dominant hand do not always match. To test this if you are unsure, make a circle with your thumb and first finger. With both eyes open look at an object on the wall or in the distance, and center it inside the circle. Now close one eye, and then the other.  If the object seemed to move when you closed your left eye, then you have left eye dominance. If the object moved more when your right eye was closed, then your right eye is the dominant one.
Was there any attempt to change your handedness as a child?
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Sexual Orientation
Do you identify as LGBT?
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