Walk to Work Profile
Profiling those who walk to work, leading up to Walk to Work Day 2013!
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What is your name? *
What neighborhood do you live in (the start of your walk)? *
What neighborhood do you walk TO from home? *
To work, volunteering, etc.
About how far is your walk? *
To work, volunteering,  etc....however you spend the majority of your day!
How long have you been walking to work?
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How many days a week do you walk to work (on average)? *
When you don't walk to work, how do you get there? (Check all that apply) *
How did you decide to start walking to work?
What is your favorite part about walking to work?
What challenges have you faced when walking to work? How do you overcome them?
Do you have regular stops on your walk? Regular people you interact with?
Please share your favorite "Walking to Work" story.
What is your email? *
Will only be used to follow up.
What is your home zip code? *
What is your supervisory district?
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