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Profile of a Graduate
Identify the skills and knowledge a student will need to be successful when they graduate.  What skills and knowledge will a person need to be successful in their life journey?  
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Given the complexity of our quickly changing modern world, rank the skills and knowledge a student will need to be successful after graduation. *
Not Important
Somewhat important
Very Important
Extremely important
Be able to seek solutions
Be an effective communicator
Be a skilled collaborator
Be curious and resourceful
Be mindful
Be a critical thinker
Be creative and expressive
Make excellence a priority
Exhibit good character
Be responsible for personal growth and knowledge
Given the complexity of our quickly changing modern world, rank the skills and knowledge a student will need to be successful after graduation.
Not important
Somewhat important
Very important
Extremely important
Be scientifically aware
Master life skills
Be a global citizen
Recognize the value of place
Be an advocate for social justice
Be resilient
Embrace differences and diversity
Have a growth mindset
Be analytical and reflective
Recognize cause and effect
What additional skills and knowledge do you believe are necessary for a student to be successful in their life journey? *
Which of the following populations live in your household?  *
Do you live in the Smith Valley School District? *
Do you have 1 or more children that attend Smith Valley School? *
What is your role within the Smith Valley School Community? *
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