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Advanced Recreational Registration 2023-24
A 2 hr. per week class (may sign up for more than one day). Students are required to have a minimum of 5 CanGym ribbons for these classes. More advanced skills are introduced and students will receive a ribbon at the end of the year when they complete their level.

Term 1: September to end of January 2024.
1 day per week - $526.30 tuition + membership fee (non-refundable)
2 days per week - $839.80 tuition + membership fee (non-refundable)

Term 2: runs February to end of June 2024.
To register for both Term 1 & 2 (Sept - June 2024) -  we can send you cost if you would like to pay for full year

Please add Annual GymBC/Falcon Membership $60 (non-refundable) for each child enrolled in the program.

Duration: 2hr class - can choose how many days they would like to attend

Address: 208, 721 Vanalman Ave
Contact us: 250-479-6424 or

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Athlete's First Name *
Athlete's Last Name *
Athlete's Date of Birth *
Athlete's age at Start of Class (Sept 2023) *
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