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New Artist Application
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New artists! I couldnt be more excited! Lets get started with the basics!
What do you sell?
 What are your social media handles?
Do you live in Southern California? (Applications are only open to Socal Residents)
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Can your product fit in a vending machine slot ( 5 x 6x2 inches or 2x6x1 inches.)
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Is your work your own?
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If chosen for a spot in our machines we will buy your product Wholesale, are you willing to wholesaling your products?
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Moonlight vending will provide the following to our partnership.   Moonlight vending shall pay any license fees or taxes imposed on the operation of the machines. Moonlight vending shall maintain the machines in good working order and regularly maintain and clean the machine so that they do not detract from the reputation of the selected artist. Moonlight Vending shall keep machines stocked for consumers.  Do you agree to these terms?
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