FPAC - your input please :-)
Hello BFCS families!

After a busy 2014/2015 year we are winding down .... we have had field day, turkey trot, ice cream social and the fun run, not to mention the Fall festival.  The yearbook is being printed and will be distributed next week.  Book club committee has been approving books to go in the classrooms, art and music masterpiece lessons have been enjoyed by all the classes.  Teacher Appreciation committee has kept all the staff fed and happy, and we've had great school uniform sales this year. We hope you have enjoyed the monthly newsletters, the updates on the FPAC blog and the other events we have helped with throughout the year.  

As we end this year, and then start looking forward to the next chapter of FPAC - the 2015/2016 school year - we would like to have some feedback from you...your thoughts, ideas, comments, complaints - so we can improve and keep working together with Mrs Dana to do great things for our students and school!  And of course our big "Save for Shade' campaign saw a new shade go up in the main playground after some extra fundraising that we traditionally don't do - we'd love your thoughts on that too.

Please take a moment to answer any of these questions - thank you!

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If you have ordered school uniforms this year, please let us know how the process was.
Use OTHER to make comments
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How are the newsletters?
FPAC put together monthly newsletters that are sent out via email.  Do you find them useful?  Anything you would like to see added?  Use OTHER to make comments
Book Club
FPAC oversees all the books that go into the classroom libraries - each book is approved by two people before they can go into the classrooms.  Use OTHER to make comments
What did you think of field day?
Field Day takes a lot of planning - please give us your feedback, and let us know which events your child loved....and which they didn't particularly care for.
Ice Cream social - did you come?
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What are your thoughts on art and music masterpiece lessons?
We can't thank our parent volunteers enough for running these classes - thank you thank you!
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Color Run
What did you think of the Color Run in March?  Please make any comments below.
Do you visit the FPAC website?
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Have FPAC actively advertised events this year?
Use OTHER to make comments
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Save for Shade - your thoughts?
Please check all that apply, Please make any comments below.
Fall Festival
Please give us your thoughts/feedback/comments on the fall festival.  What did you like - what did you not like.  Was it well organised?  Good value for money?  Please let us know if you volunteered and any comments you may have for next year - thank you.
Comments - questions - feedback - complaints.....?  Please let us know....
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