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SunPy Project Custodian Nomination Form

We are now accepting nominations for Project Custodians as part of our new governance structure detailed in SEP-0002. Project Custodians play a crucial role in guiding the direction of the SunPy Project, engaging with the community, and making key decisions.

Anyone is eligible to be nominated to be a Project Custodian, as long as the candidate meets the following criteria:

  • A good grasp of the philosophy of the SunPy Project
  • A solid track record of being constructive and helpful
  • Meaningful contributions to the Project’s goals, in any form (e.g. 
  • A willingness to dedicate time to improving the Project
  • A willingness to recruit, train, and nominate new team members
  • A track record of adhering to the project Code of Conduct

We want to emphasise that as well as code "meaningful contributions" can include, but are not limited to, regularly answering questions in community spaces, raising issues (i.e. bugs and feature requests) and giving feedback. 

If you know someone who meets the criteria, or if you would like to nominate yourself, please fill out this form. Your nomination should include a short, factual statement outlining how the nominee meets the criteria for Project Custodianship. Nominations will be verified by the Steering Committee and the Ombudsperson.

Please submit nominations by May 29th 2024 anywhere on Earth. 

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Your Name:
Your Email:
Nominee's Name:
Nominee's Email:
Nominee’s Contributions:
Please provide a brief summary of the nominee’s contributions to the SunPy Project and how they meet the criteria for Project Custodianship.

Your Relationship to the Nominee:
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