Insider Application!
Before you apply read this, we can not guarantee that you will meet the boys.
We will try our best to find out where they are staying.
Don't get mad at us if the info we gave you was wrong, we are just a bunch of teenagers we can make mistakes.
You only can be an insider for us, not for other accounts. If we find out that you are also an insider for someone else, we will stop helping you.
We will give you all the info we know, but in trade you need to give us everything you know too!
You have to be willing to go to Hotels, Arenas etc.
We know that this is much to fill in, but we just want to be sure that we choose the right insiders!!
Now you can apply :)
If you want to contact us send an email to:
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What's your name? *
What's your age? *
What's your twitter username? *
We will contact you via twitter
What's your phone number?
so we can contact you via: text/imessage and whatsapp. (please also put your landcode for your number)
Do you have KIK, Whatsapp or iMessage? *
If you have all or 2/3 just select them.
Can you contact us via other things?
others than DMs
What kind of insider do you want to be? *
Date(s) you want to be an insider for *
Please also mention if there are dates you can't be an insider and don't just say: "When they are in my city" or "Anytime" we need to know an actual date!
For which city/event do you want to be an insider? *
If your city isn't in this list, that means that you can't apply for that date!
Are you going to the concert? *
if so which one & what are your seats?
Do you have VIP or soundcheck package? *
Would you be able to update us once in a while during the show? *
we will love you forever if you're able
Do you have your phone FULLY CHARGED?
Are you able to take LOADS pictures for us? *
Are you able to check out hotels for us?
Do you have permission from your parents to stalk the boys? *
Do you have mobile service everywhere? *
Do you live fairly near their location? *
Will anyone be going with you? *
we think it's better if somebody comes with you, just in case anything happens
Do you have school/work or other stuff on the days you want to be an insider? *
Are you brave enough to do things such as sneak into hotels, follow the boys around, etc?
If you have any info on their whereabouts (ex. their hotel), would you to tell us? *
Do you have a curfew? If so, what time? *
Can you drive? If not, who/what will be your transportation and can you go searching for the boys all the time? *
Do you promise to keep all info we tell you a SECRET? *
Are you willing to do anything to see the boys? *
Are you able to be an insider? *
As an insider, we need to be able to contact you 24/7 and you also need to be able to go searching for the boys/stalk whenever we ask you!
How far would you go to meet the guys? *
How long are you willing to stalk/wait outside the hotel?
Will you be able to go anywhere at any time? We need people that can go out any hour of the day if we have a lead on where the boys may be. *
do you know any cool places celebs are mostly going to/ good hotels celebs are staying at around your city? *
Do you have any connections to the guys?
Have you ever been an insider before? if so, for who and give a brief description of your experience. *
Have you ever met the boys, so yeah when?
Give us 3 reasons why you want to be an insider:
Who is your fave member of 5SOS? *
Please explain why.
What's your fave song of the boys? *
Who is Ketchup? *
What's the user of their original youtubechannel? *
i know they changed it, but what was it before.
A LOT of people take info we tell them and never update us on what's going on! Do you PROMISE to update ONLY US and ANSWER if we message you at ANY TIME? *
What's your e-mail adress? *
If we can't contact you via twitter we will contact you via email!
Is there anything you want to add?
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