Hello there Choppers (:
Thousands of migrants arrive on Greek shores everyday, hoping for a better future. With limited resources, these asylum seekers live in appalling conditions. Your contribution will go a long way in providing for the basic needs of migrants - food, water, shelter, medical facilities and more.

Simply pre-order and pick up your meal from the University of Edinburgh Main Library.
Profits will go towards Starfish Foundation to help refugees in Molyvos.

Every human being deserves to live with dignity.
Make a difference today.

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What would you like to order?
Jolly Box £4.5
Thai Basil Chicken with Rice (Phad Kaprao Gai)
Pulled Tea £1
(Traditional Singapore/Malaysia Tea)
Happy Meal £5
(Jolly Box and Pulled Tea)
Chopping details
Name *
Phone Number *
Approximate Pick-up Time
(29th MARCH, Main Library 12 - 2pm)
Thank you for your support!
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