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Application for 1:1 Coaching with Megan
I am so excited to meet you! It's an honor to be able to help you get clarity and hold space for you as you step into your own power. This form will help me get a better energetic reading on how I can best support you. This application is for those who are ready to invest in my 3-6 month one on one coaching Program. You will then be directed to book a call with me to complete the application process. 
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Name *
Email *
Number *
Why do you want to join my program? *
What would you like to accomplish in our coaching together? *
If you were to break that down into 3 smaller steps, what would you like to accomplish within the next 3 months? *
What are the three biggest challenges surrounding you right now? *
What have you tried in the past to resolve these challenges and why didn't they work? *
What would be important to receive from your coach(me) during your sessions? *
Where did you hear about this program? *
Rate the following areas of your life
Romantic relationships  *
Easy-no support needed
Stuck- needs lots of attention
Platonic relationships  *
Easy- no support needed
Stuck- needs lots of attention
Work and career  *
Easy- no support needed
Stuck- needs lots of attention
Where I am living *
Easy- no support needed
Stuck- needs lots of attention
Finding my passions *
Easy- no support needed
Stuck- needs lots of attention
My spiritual journey *
Easy- no support needed
Stuck- needs lots of attention
How committed are you to making changes and investing in yourself to self healing? *
I am not ready at this time
I am passionate and ready for self-transformation
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