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Wellness Content
Hi there, Turing community!

As a mod4 capstone project, we're creating Som Timer, a timer that delivers somatic and other wellness content during Pom breaks.

We're currently in the process of building a database of 5, 7, and 10-minute videos and audio recordings in the categories of yoga/movement, breath work/meditation, and other somatic content such as body scans and orienting. We're looking to create a library of content that works for the community as a whole, and we'd like your help!

If you'd like to contribute to sourcing this content, please share your favorite YouTube, Vimeo, or SoundCloud links that help you relax and recharge on your breaks. Additionally, we'd love to include any original wellness content you have created or would like to create, so please share that as well!

~More About Som Timer~
Som Timer is a timer that cares. Inspired by the Pomodoro Technique®, the practice of taking regular breaks at set intervals to fight cognitive boredom and burnout, increase productivity, and boost motivation, Som Timer takes the concept one step further. We at Som Timer believe that what you do on your breaks is just as important as the decision to take those breaks.

Thanks so much!

~ The Som Timer team (Aaron, Jake, Rachel, Sienna, Chandler & Dorion)
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Add your links in the input below! If you include more than one link, please separate with semi-colons.
If you're interested in trying out our application in the future, please enter your email or slack handle here!
Please reach out to the Som Timer team on Slack if you have questions!
Aaron Burris-DeBoskey @ABD
Rachel Williams @Rachel Williams
Jake West @Jake West
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