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Celebration for Accepted Students (CAS)                        Student Volunteer Survey - 2023
We are looking for current students to help us to welcome admitted students to campus during their revisit experience. We  would love to have you help! We have many different ways you can help during CAS. By completing this form, you will help us to match you with the right volunteer activity! CAS Days are Thursday, March 30 and Tuesday, April 4.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
What is your First Name? *
What is your Last Name? *
Are you a current George School Admission Ambassador?
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What is your current grade at George School? *
On which day(s) would you like to help! *
What is your Meeting for Worship Day? *
What are your Free Arrangements in Term 6 *
What are your favorite subjects at George School? *
What art class(es) are you enrolled in this year? *
What athletic team(s) have you been on this year? *
What clubs or leadership groups are you part of? *
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
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