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Sponsorship Form
Becoming a sponsor is a powerful way to demonstrate unwavering support for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and champion the cause of equality and inclusivity. You are sending a clear message of acceptance and affirming your commitment to diversity. Your sponsorship helps to fund essential programs, events, and initiatives that create safe spaces and promote awareness and education about 2SLGBTQIA+ rights. Embracing inclusivity through sponsorship is not only a good thing; it is a profound step towards building a better, more equitable world for all.
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Email *
Contact Name & Pronouns  *
First and last name
Organization/​Business/​Group Name. *
Phone number *
Mailing Address *
How big is your business?
Why do you want to be a sponsor of SOS Pride?
Do you feel your company currently promotes equity, diversity, and inclusion? If yes, how?

Engagement Opportunities: Are you interested in participating in any events or workshops organized by the non-profit?

Do you want to collaborate on any specific initiatives? *
Sponsorship Goals: What do you hope to achieve through their sponsorship? What impact do you want to make in the community? *

Duration of Sponsorship: Is the sponsorship for a specific event or an ongoing commitment?

Preferred sponsorship level

Marketing and Visibility: How would you like your sponsorship to be recognized or promoted?

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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