This year we will be using a Google Form to reserve the HES Spirit Rock. The link can be found below and will be posted on the HES Webpage. This will allow us to fairly determine the time each reservation is received because of the timestamp capability of the form . Below are the guidelines for the HES Spirit Rock for the 2024 - 2025 school year:
* The rock reservation is for the duration of one day. You may begin painting the rock at 5pm the evening prior to the day you have reserved.
* Reservation requests will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
* Reservations are not complete until the Google form has been submitted via the Google Form and you have received a confirmation email.
* All materials and painting supplies are your responsibility.
* All things painted on the Spirit Rock must be in good taste. The Spirit Rock is available for birthday messages, messages of congratulations or well-wishes. Anything profane, obscene or deemed inappropriate for children is not permitted.
* HES reserves the right to cover up or paint over anything deemed to be inappropriate.
* If you have any questions, please email