I hereby grant permission to VCU Faculty Affairs to use photographs and/or video of me taken at this event in publications, news releases, online, and in other communications. The Office of the Provost - Faculty Affairs, through itself or its contractors, may record all or portions of the events and functions, including through audio and video recording and photography, for the production of material distributed for a variety of purposes, including but not limited to educational, archival, or promotional purposes. By registering, you grant VCU Faculty Affairs, its assignees and licensees permission to capture your image through photography, video, or any other means, and record your voice at any time and anywhere throughout the event.
If you would like to decline permission for VCU Faculty Affairs to include you in any recorded material, you can request, in writing to lblizzard@vcu.edu, to be excluded. VCU Faculty Affairs will make a good faith effort to remove you from any of the material that is published or otherwise publicly shared for promotional or educational purposes.