Logo Starting Checklist
Filling out this checklist helps us determine how to best meet your needs. Please be as descriptive as possible, the more information the better!
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What is the exact wording to be used in your logo? *
What is your tagline or slogan?
What type of product or service do you offer? *
Please share some links to popular logos you like and explain why you like the logo. *
These can be colors, style, format etc. (hint: checkout: http://logopond.com/)
Please share some links or popular logos you don't like and explain why you dislike the logo.
These can be colors, style, format etc. (hint: checkout: http://logopond.com/)
Please tell us if you have a preferred typography.
For example: heavy, light, classic, modern.
Do you have specific icons or images that are required in your logo?
If so what are your preferences on style (minimal, abstract, illustrative etc.)
Please list colors we should include. *
Please list colors we should avoid. *
Please list any additional comments you have about the project.
Please list your contact details below: *
1) Your name, 2) Phone, 3) E-mail
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