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Are you a food grower looking for land near Bristol?
We need you! Please fill out this survey if you're a grower or new-entrant farmer looking for land. 

Bristol Food Producers have conducted a survey to find out more about the demand for land in and around Bristol in relation to food growing. We want to know what type of land people are looking for, what levels of skills and experience they have, what business ideas they have in mind and if they might be interested in developing land partnerships with others, including support organisations, on leased land. It doesn't matter if you aren't currently in Bristol if you would consider relocating for a good opportunity. This survey has been designed both for individuals looking for land and social enterprises and community groups.

We want to see market gardening and food production coming back into the urban and peri-urban environment in a big way and we want to know how we can help you to get going.

The responses from this survey are used to match people with appropriate bits of land as they become available. If you have filled in a similar survey in the past, please re-submit as there have been some changes made.

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What's your name? *
What's your email address? *
What's your phone number?
(In case we can't reach you by email)
Are you filling in this survey on behalf of: *
Are you currently based: *
Tell us more about your location
Please let us know whereabouts in Bristol you are based if you are located in the city. If you aren't based in Bristol let us know where you are and (if you are an individual) if you are already planning on moving, or how far you would move if you could get access to land!
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