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Requesting Documentation for Current Students
Please use the form below to request a letter or documentation from the school for 
This is for requests such as proof of age and/or address for Canadian Citizenship applications, Ontario Health card applications, housing and tax purposes.
Please note: The turn-around time for these documents is 2 school days.
The documents/letter can be picked up by the student in the main office 2 school days after the request is made. They will NOT be called down to let them know it is ready.
Please be sure to indicate if you would like the documents/letter to be sent by email.
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Student's First Name *
Student's Last Name *
Why are you requesting the form *
Please specify to whom the letter is to be addressed and briefly explain what you need  the letter/documentation to show.
**Please note the letter can NOT be addressed "to whom it may concern"**
Name of person requesting the documentation *
Relationship to the student *
If you would like this sent by email, please indicate your email address here (if your child is picking it up in the office, please leave this blank)
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