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Student Data Privacy: Understanding the National Landscape 
This survey is designed to help CoSN better understand district student data privacy practices, the supports available to districts in building and maintaining those practices, what types of supports would be helpful, and barriers to the work. We'll use these results to inform a new report on district needs, creation of new resources, and to better understand the various ways in which districts are challenged by the work - and how they are succeeding. You do not have to identify yourself or your district in order to participate.

For this survey, we are asking for information on your student data privacy program, and not about your cybersecurity program. Although the two programs are related, and how personal information is protected is part of privacy, here we are focused on student data privacy, defined for our purposes as the decisions we make about what student personal information will be collected, how it will be used, where it will be shared, and how long it will be retained. This includes decisions about how to comply with applicable privacy laws, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA), privacy provisions of other education laws, including Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), National Student Lunch Act (NSLA), and more, including, for many districts, your state student data privacy law(s), as well as your district student data privacy policies.

As a thank you for your time, at the end of this survey you'll be invited to choose to receive an early preview of the report on the survey (which will only include aggregated, deidentified data) or to receive a copy of CoSN's Member Only Brief: Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom: Privacy Considerations for New Technologies.
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What county is your district located in? (This information will only be used in order to be able to gather aggregate demographic reporting across groups of districts in different states. For example, it will allow us to note whether there are correlations between socioeconomic levels in regions across different states and availability of privacy resources. It will not be used to identify any particular district and district names will not be included in public reporting.) 

What state or territory is your district in? (This will be used for aggregated reporting and for identifying similarities between and among districts in different states.)
What is your zip code? (This information will primarily be used to provide any meaningful, aggregate statistics in relation to internet connectivity levels. It will not be used to identify any particular district.) *
How many students are in your school system? *
How many schools are in your district? *
What grades are supported in your district? (Check all that apply.) *
What percentage of students received free/reduced lunch at your district?  *
Is your district located in an urban, suburban, or rural area? (Check all that apply.) *
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