PonyvilleFM 4th Anniversary: Sign-Up Sheet
PonyvilleFM is turning 4 years old! We are inviting DJs to perform at our annual weekend event on January 10th to 11th
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your Artist/DJ name? *
What show title do you want shown during the event? *
It will be shown in the station players as [Show title] - [Your Artist Name]
Are you mixing live or pre-recorded? (DEADLINE FOR RECORDED MIXES IS JANUARY 5TH) *
(We will contact you with time information in the future if you're mixing live)
How long do you want your time slot to be (in minutes)? *
(This is mainly a placeholder for live sets, this is not guaranteed)
What is your e-mail/Skype name for future contact? *
Do you have any other social media links to your work?
Twitter, Soundcloud, Mixcloud, etc
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