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Membership Interest Form

The Partnership for Large Election Jurisdictions (PLEJ), a nonpartisan nonprofit, offers large jurisdictions a community of support, access to best practices, and a stronger platform for making change with peers from similarly sized jurisdictions – those that deal with some of the same complex issues, threats, and opportunities as you may already do. We have 100+ member jurisdictions across 33 states, and they collectively oversee elections for 40% of the US electorate.

PLEJ is open to current election professionals involved in administering elections (e.g., voter registration, ballot creation, tabulation, poll worker engagement, voting location management, records management, etc.), who represent jurisdictions with a population of 250,000 or more, or any of the four largest jurisdictions in a state. Annual membership dues are $150 per office (not per individual).

Fill out the brief form below to get more information about membership, and get started with the PLEJ community!
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Jurisdiction (i.e. Anytown County, XY) *
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