L&T Construction Quiz 01
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1. L&T created a gift for Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba to give to his devotees. What was the gift?
2. World’s largest coal gasifier made by L&T is in which country?
3. What is the capacity of India’s largest solar phot voltaic based power plant commissioned by L&T?
4. Can you identify this bridge built by L&T, which took nearly eight months to construct and just 30 seconds to blow it up
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5. The highest Viaduct of India is built over which river?
6. What is the installed capacity of the world’s largest refinery built by L&T?
7. Which is the Asia’s largest underground metro station?
8. Built by L&T, Asia’s tallest steel railway bridge having a maximum pier height of 85m and the longest bridge span of 154m connects which rail link?
9. A recently built structure by L&T, whose design is inspired from the Peacock, Can you identify this structure?
10. The 2007 Cricket World Cup was played in this stadium built by L&T. Can you name the country where this stadium was built
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