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COVID-19 impact on adults
Please take a moment to look back at the last 2 years and see how your daily life was impacted by COVID-19 outbreak. It will help us create a better way to support you and NGOs in future.

Thanks in advance!
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Email *
Where do you live? *
What gender do you identify as? *
What is your age group? *
Are you a member or a volunteer of any CSO/NGO? *
Do you face any of the following fewer opportunities? *
What changes did you face in the last 2 years in your personal and professional life? *
Which of the following best describes the impact of Covid-19 of on your professional/working life? *
Which of the following best describes the impact of Covid-19 of on your social life? *
Which of the following best describes the impact of Covid-19 of on your financial state? *
Which of the following best describes the impact of Covid-19 of on your mental health? *
How did Covid-19 impact your time spent online? Did you keep online interaction with a CSO/NGO you’re a part of? *
What major personal challenges did you face in the last 2 years during Covid-19? *
How useful did you find the activities offered by your CSOs/NGOs in the last 2 years? *
What support from CSOs/NGOs would you like to have more at the moment? *
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