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We're so excited that you're interested in joining Those Plant Ladies tribe! We have positions available for upcoming landscape installations in North Carolina. We're putting together another solid crew of our TPL crew who are ready to get their hands dirty, work with plants, or drive a tractor!
Please complete this questionnaire below & we will be in touch with dates soon!
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Email *
First Name: *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Where are you based (location)? *
What is your occupation/career? *
Do you have any landscaping experience? If so, please list everything you have experience with. *
What days of the week are you available to help? *
On the days you are available, what timeframe works best for you? *
Check all that apply:
Are you interested in VOLUNTEERING at our installs? *
We want to educate women to have the skills to roll up their sleeves & get their hands dirty. If you want to come learn, gain confidence, knowledge and be apart of an amazing community of strong women... WE WANT YOU THERE!
What is your t-shirt size? *
Do you have any food allergies? If yes, please list below. *
Do you have any injuries/conditions that may limit you when working outside? If so, please share as we want to be sensitive to your needs. *
What are you most excited about in helping install? Or what do you hope to learn?
Any other comments or questions?
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