State your birthday. You have to be under 24 on 31st August 2015 in order to be eligible.
What is your postcode? *
Only people with a Bristol postcode can enter.
Your answer
What is your contact email address? *
Your answer
If you are under 18 on 31st August 2015, you need to provide us with the name of a consenting parent or guardian, alongside a contact phone number/email address. *
If you're over 18, just write 'n/a' in the box
Your answer
What is the best phone number to get you on? *
Your answer
What is the name of your entry? *
State the name as it is either named on the YouTube link or the accompanying document
Your answer
If you are entering a documentary, paste the UNLISTED link to your entry below.
Your answer
Final Bits and Bobs *
Can you just check the boxes to ensure you've done everything we need.