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Volunteer Disclaimers
At this time, all food given out by Food Not Bombs (FNB) Raleigh is vegan, with the exception of vegetarian baked goods. Any vegetarian baked goods we give out will be clearly marked vegan or non-vegan. However in the case that something isn't marked, we ask that people check the ingredients first before consuming.

We believe in creating a safe, inclusive environment, and offering support to any individuals in and outside of our volunteer circle. We recognize that safe spaces do not exist. However we are committed to creating “safer” spaces in and around our community. Keeping a space “safer” is a continuous process that fluctuates and will always need to be reassessed.  We cannot predict the future, but we seek to be there for each other and our community in most any times of need.  We believe in the "We keep us safe" community ethic.
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All Food Not Bombs Volunteers must read and agree to the three Food Not Bombs Principles.  1- Food must be vegan or vegetarian and given free to everyone. 2- Each chapter is independent and autonomous and makes decisions using the consensus process. 3- Food Not Bombs is NOT a charity and is dedicated to non-violent social change. Read more here:
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We do not believe in calling the police for assistance. Unless there is an absolute extreme last resort we as a group cannot handle. Otherwise we avoid interactions with the police as much as possible. We believe that any form of contacting them, provides them with more opportunity to do harm to the community. Does this bother you? *
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