Sign up for a future Irish American Writers & Artists Salon
Our IAW&A Salons began in June of 2011, the brainchild of Malachy McCourt. Literary and artistic in nature, twice each month in New York City and occasionally on the road we gather writers and artists who wish to share excerpts of their work in any genre.

We welcome poetry, fiction, nonfiction, theatre, storytelling, comedy, music, dance, and even creative juggling! With some advance planning to ensure we have the necessary equipment, we've also done shows integrating short film and photography.

All we ask is for you to fill in the below form, be ready to read or perform on the assigned date (after receiving email confirmation from the Salon host), and commit to a time slot of either less than five minutes or between five and eight minutes.

If you're planning a tour and hoping to confirm your reading or performance months in advance -- or if you have any other questions, please contact
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Your name: *
Your exact email address: *
The work you plan to read or perform:
What date would you like to join us? *
Signing up for a particular date does not guarantee that you have a slot! Watch for an email from the host for confirmation, but if you do not hear from the host you can follow up with an email to If an upcoming date is not listed, it may be because the roster is already full, or that a special curated Salon is scheduled.  Also, presenting at Salons is a benefit of IAW&A membership. If you are not yet a member, we will encourage you to join after your first presentation. 
How much time will you need for your reading or performance? *
How should the Salon host introduce you? (We'll also ask for a longer bio & description of your presentation for the blog which you can email to us. This is for the host during the event.) *
No more than three sentences, please. NOTE: Additional intros or context added in-person counts as part of your presentation time.
Where do you currently live?
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Are you a member of Irish American Writers & Artists? *
Have you read or performed at a previous Salon? *
If you use Twitter, what's your username?
Please use #iawasalon for any tweets about our Salons
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