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Computational Name Games
All the best computers have names, and scientists are often quite creative in how they name them. I've seen servers and disk drives named after book characters, famous people, locations, brain areas, and much more. How do you (or your lab, or institute) name your computational resources?

This survey is just for fun, but I figure there's a chance we might see some interesting patterns in the data too. I've been meaning to do if for a while, but never got around to it until now.

Once I have received 50 responses (or after November 15, 2018, whichever is later), I'll write a blog post summarizing the responses and make all the data publicly available.

Dan Lurie (@danjlurie).
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Please describe the naming strategy (or strategies) you use, and/or those you've seen used elsewhere. Examples are greatly appreciated! *
What is your area of research? *
Do you want to be credited for your response? If so, include your information (Name, Twitter handle) below.
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